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Friday, 30 November 2012

The Technical Creative - A new breed?

As a software developer colleague of mine with decades of experience said to me yesterday when I quizzed him about the cost of building an app for a client,
"If you had asked 4 years ago the application may have been a challenge. Now nearly all the pieces of the jigsaw are available easily and mass marketed."
The challenge, today, is to bring together the digital elements and create that seamless cross over between technical and creative. The combination of marketing consultancy and technical consultancy has never been in more demand. Even traditional methods of project management are being challenged as a new breed of specialist evolves in the digital arena. The route to market for any software development now has to embrace the existing channels laid open to it that were never there previously. Only a few years ago, as much consideration would have been given to the development of the infrastructure and hardware to facilitate the solution. Now the high speed communication link and hardware is in the palm of your hand.