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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Smarter Cities 2012


Holyrood's Smarter Cities 2012 is bringing together leading thinkers, practitioners and industry leaders to discuss the Smart City agenda, and how it might meet the complex challenges facing Scotland's cities.

In 2011 the government published its Agenda for Cities, and established the Scottish Cities Alliance between the SCDI, government and Scotland's cities.

Cities will be expected to achieve sustainable economic growth, reduce carbon footprints, and improve the efficiency, responsiveness and effectiveness of public services while facing shrinking budgets. Harnessing technology and multi-stakeholder partnerships  is promoted internationally as the Smart City answer to these pressing challenges, with the smartest cities benfiting from :

Numerous, distributed and sustainable energy sources
Energy efficient buildings supplied by 'smart-grids' and meters
Intelligent, low-emission transport that avoids congestion and meets demand
Citizen participation in service provision
'Open data' and innovation
Informed planner and decision makers
Integrated, efficient and intelligence utilities such as waste and water systems
Optimised private sector, academic, third and public sector coordination and cooperation
National, regional and international competitiveness and a low carbon footprint
Why attend?

At this event you will participate in debate, share experiences and network with influential researchers, analysts, and public representatives who are actively engaged in meeting these challenges.

The conference will focus on 3 areas:

Smart Cities and Scotland
What is a Smart City thinking?
What is being done, and what should be done in Scotland?

Aspects of a Smart City
Services and more

Making Smart Cities a reality
Citizen engagement
Planning and infrastructure
Alternative funding sources
Coordinating and leveraging the private, academic, third and public sectors

Additionally delegates will benefit from interactive 'Breakout' sessions that provide delegates with the opportunity discuss aspects of Smart City thinking in detail.